Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gearing up!

Well I have completed my fitness test which entails a timed 1km run (less than 5mins is advanced),  how many pushups in a minute, a measured stretch, situp progress and a timed wall sit! I completed the run in 
4.14 seconds, completed 40 pushups on toes, reached level 3 in situps and managed 2min 9secs sitting against the wall! I am in the advanced group and have chosen to  do Advanced Lean and Fit and I now have some insight into what my training regime is going to look like. This is a program for advanced members who have less than 5kg to lose and who want to focus on shaping and toning their body rather than fitness and fat loss. It's predominantly a strength training program using weights and body weight exercises to improve strength, definition and shape. So for this program I will be doing 4 days of Strength and Tone, 1 day of Fitness and Fat Burning and 1 day of Core and Stretch. Woohoo I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see the changes in myself...both mind and body... and to prove to myself that I CAN do it :)

Our task was to go and source our place of training. I was hoping that I would be able to do this from home but it wont be possible for me. There is a gym where I live but it is not very heavily equipped and I am not able to use it until 7am in the morning which is too late.  I went to three different gyms near where I work and have settled on Nambour Gym and Fitness Studio. The lady there was so lovely and the gym is very well equipped. There is no joining fee and it is only $12.95 per week and that includes any classes such as boxercise, pilates and zumba. BARGAIN!! Once I know what order of workout I have to do I will start blocking out the times in my diary. Bring it on!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Very Rewarding Day

For the past three years I have been involved with a project called Breaking Out. This is an Australia wide project photographing Year 12 students for a Class of Yearbook. The participation fee from each student is donated directly to the foundation which raises funds for disadvantaged kids. 

This morning I was honoured to be part of the unveiling of the foundation's first project. A year 12 student, Nathan Dionysius, from Faith Lutheran College in Plainland is a passionate and very talented golf player. Early this year his family home was literally destroyed by the "inland tsunami" that hit Grantham. Apparently Nathan was home when the wave of water hit, as he fled his thoughts were "what do I save?". Realising the one thing that would be most important to his mum, he grabbed his mums wedding photos and ran.

Nathan is a young man of few words and  prior to the flood his passion for golf was leading him to a career as a professional golfer.  Understandably this year has been a struggle with both his studies and golf.

This morning myself, Kathy Hill (my fellow photographer) and Tero Sade, the CEO of Breaking Out were able to give his future a kick along. So that he can complete year 12, our foundation is providing Nathan with a full scholarship to cover school fees and uniforms in 2012. 

In addition, so that he can refocus on his golf, Nathan will receive 12 months golf coaching along with setting up a fund to assist Nathan attend tournaments outside his area.

The Breaking Out Foundation was established to identify young people (14-19) who are passionate/gifted/talented in the areas of the arts/science/sport (or other areas) that due to circumstances beyond their control will have difficulty realizing their potential and dreams.

The view of Breaking Out is that the Foundation Limited has not been created to give hand outs, but to give a hand up by creating programs and opportunities to assist individuals achieve their potential and dreams that may otherwise be inhibited to do so due to disability, financial hardship or other special circumstances.

Breaking Out is about introducing a positive influence and helping young people achieve their potential so that in turn they can make a positive contribution to the community.

I am looking forward to being part of many more wonderful experiences like today!!

The Goalposts are Set!

Yippee!! I've done task 3.... all ready for task 4! So,
it's all about goal setting. It's been a little bit tricky because 
my goals are no longer weight orientated as I have already lost 14kgs
and my main aim now is to tone. I am not wanting to turn into a body
builder or anything but I just want to lose the last couple of kgs
around my middle (the hardest part to shift) and to tone. A lot of
people are wondering why I am doing this. It is purely to challenge
myself. I am super motivated at the moment and it's just something
I WANT to do. I just wish I was this motivated 10 or 15 years ago LOL
So, here they are. I will be revisiting them over the 12 weeks 
and particularly once I have done my fitness test and get the
program that I will be doing. 
1 Month Goals
1. Lose the last 2kg from around my middle
2. Improve my nutrition intake

How I Will Get There
1. Lose 500g per week.
2. Follow the 12WBT Advance Lean and Strong program
3. Follow the 12WBT nutrition program

3 Month Goal
To have improved my strength, definition and
shape (especially around the abdomen.)

How I Will Get There
1. Follow the 12WBT Advance Lean and Strong program
2. Follow the 12WBT nutrition plan.

6 Month Goal
To compete in the 2012 Mooloolaba Triathlon and
beat this years run time of 10km in 59mins.
I would like to complete it in at least 55mins.

How I Will Get There
By 6weeks be able to run 2.5km in 14mins. By 3mths be able to 
run 5km in 27mins. By 6mths run 10 km in 55mins or less!

12 Month Goal
To compete in and finish the Pomona King of the Mountain...a
gruelling 4.5km mountain race!! 

How I Will Get There
Commence training on the baby mountain.....Mt Coolum until 
after Christmas and then progress to Cooroora
Mountain, Pomona at least fortnightly. (weekly if time permits)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekly Tasks

As part of the 12week challenge we have had to do some preseason tasks which has been great! It's a wonderful way of getting  in the right mindset and helping me to explore some deep issues that are perhaps holding me back.

I have had to  take responsibility for myself, my body and how I think. So, I had to make a list of all my internal and external excuses that I use  to self sabotage any efforts to be motivated and to exercise daily. To help clear these excuses away I need to come up with solutions to tell myself instead when I turn to these negative excuses.  It was great to reflect on this.... I didn't realise I was so full of excuses!!
So here they are:
  1. I'm too tired
SOLUTION:  Exercise will actually make you feel more energized and you will sleep better!
  1. 2.I exercised yesterday
SOLUTION:  Exercise is part of your daily routine. Just like brushing your teeth!
  1. 3. I've done really well so wont hurt to miss today
SOLUTION: Exercise is part of your DAILY routine. Just like brushing your teeth!  If you allow yourself to miss today you will probably miss tomorrow too.
  1. 4. I've lost some weight this week. I can slacken up a little.
SOLUTION:  You need to keep the momentum going AND you have to burn calories every day!
  1. 5. I just wont eat so much today.
SOLUTION: Are you kidding me??? So you want to abuse your body and then let your metabolism slow DOWN so you end up putting ON weight do you? Get a grip woman!!!
  1. 6. It's that time of the month 
SOLUTION: So….. you are just not gonna do anything for the next 4days?? You’re not dying!!
  1. 7. I've been unwell and need more time to recover.
SOLUTION: There is no reason why you can’t just start slowly and see how you go. The longer you stay away from your routine the harder it will be to get back into it! 
EXTERNAL EXCUSES (in my control)
  1. It's cold 
SOLUTION: It’s not as cold inside and if you get your act together instead of wingeing then you will be warm in no time!
  1. 2. It's raining. 
SOLUTION: You have a treadmill. You know….. that thing that resembles a clotheshorse at the moment!
  1. 3. I can't afford it.
SOLUTION:  A. It doesn’t cost anything to walk/run.  B. Work harder and save some money!
  1. 4. I've got to look after the kids.
SOLUTION:  A. Use your treadmill!  B. Take the kids to the park and you can run around while they play or better still….run around WITH them!
  1. 5. I don't have time.
SOLUTION: Get up earlier ya lazy cow!
  1. 6. It's so warm and cosy in my bed.
SOLUTION: You can’t stay there all day so you may as well get up NOW!

EXTERNAL EXCUSES (out of my control)
  1. Sick kids
SOLUTION: You have a treadmill so you can workout and still keep an eye on them.
  1. 2. I've got no childcare
SOLUTION:  YOU HAVE A TREADMILL. OR…… take the kids with you and do something outdoors!

Phew!! Told you!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So, I mentioned in an earlier post that last year I started to make some personal changes by way of increasing my exercise to lose weight and ultimately to feel better about myself.  After reaching 73.5kg it was time to make a conscious decision to lead a healthier life and to be the best ME that I could be. 

I lost the first 6kgs purely by increasing my daily exercise. Just by being more active on a weekly basis really made a huge difference. Six months later and starting to have more energy I decided to make a conscious effort to eat more healthily. Combining that with the increased exercise helped me shed a further 6.5kg. It feels awesome to be in control of my health decisions and to see results. I'm really getting into this healthy living arrangement but I'm not done yet.....!! 

My friend Kelly sent me a link to a blog. It's the most amazing body transformation I have ever seen. Angela had completed four rounds of Michelle Bridge's body transformation and her transformation is nothing short of Amaaaazing. I want her toned body!! Having always had issues with my stomach area, which is where I gain weight, I knew this was something I wanted to do. The challenge itself motivates me! I made my mind up straight away and I'm not looking back :)  I am not doing this just to lose weight. I am doing it to tone up and to live more healthily. To be in the right mindset to make this a part of my everyday life. To keep myself focused and on track. I am now accountable.

I thought it would be fun to compile some images taken over the past few years and look forward to the second installment comprising of the NEW me.  I hope it makes you smile :)

Time Flies When You're Having FUN!!

Wow I can't believe it has been soooo long since my last post!!! Seriously, where does the time go?? I have been absolutely flat out here at the studio with lots of new developments in my life both on the business side and personally.

I am so proud to welcome you to My Powder Room!! Within the gorgeous setting of the Concept Images studio I have created a beautiful space for our Makeup Workshops and colour/product consultations. We proudly stock Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics which are just beautiful to wear, natural and not tested on animals!

Last weekend we launched My Powder Room at the Kawana Homeshow with huge success. People were lining up for our 5 minute makeovers with Caroline and we had so much FUN!!

We are now taking bookings for YOUR  private workshops which are great for birthdays, hen's nights and Christmas parties. Check out the website at You will also find us on facebook. Just search for 'my powder room' and 'like' us so you can keep up to date with our fabulous offers, tips and advice :)

See you soon!!

PS. Here's Caroline and I at the Homeshow :D

Friday, August 26, 2011

Things Don't Always Go To Plan!

There are times when my photo sessions don't always go as planned especially when we are talking about babies and toddlers lol. It is to be expected. We all have our grumpy days don't we?  So what do we do? We plan another session and hope for success! I want my clients to come away from my studio and to be happy with what we have created together. It is my policy that if we are not successful the first time then we will do a reshoot at no charge. Afterall it is not always in our control as to what is going to happen on the day and I want you to love your images!

So, a couple of months ago little Miss. I. came into the studio, with her parents,  for her photo session. This couple are so lovely. I first met them when they were pregnant with this energetic little bundle and I also photographed her when she was a baby. I really really love being their family photographer. To capture their little family growing at various milestones is very special. The advantages of finding a photographer for life is evident in this story as you will soon find out :)

On the day of the session Miss I. was a little unsure of this adventure. She started off shy and guarded and VERY attached to her precious Wrappy. Wrappy used to be a knitted bunny but with the stuffing all gone and no sign of any eyes, nose, mouth or even ears for that matter!... he now resembled a well loved piece of cloth which is barely holding itself together LOL AND we couldn't separate the two of them! (he's 'hiding' in this photo) She was also a little unwell that day too which didn't help. Once she settled in to the studio we alternated between periods of being unhappy to being VERY busy. It was a challenge :)

So, it was decided that we didn't really capture Miss I. in her true happy, cheeky self and rescheduled another session for a few weeks time. We chose a beach location in the hope that we could get some really lovely candid images as Miss I. always knows when the camera is coming her way and likes to do ANYTHING else except look in your direction hahaha.

This time she was happier to see me and I think it was helpful that she had already met me a few weeks previously. She busied herself amongst the flowers, bushes and gardens and danced and ran to her hearts delight. A lot happier this time. Her beloved Wrappy had also been weaned to night time but he was there in spirit :D

By the time they came back into the studio for their viewing Miss I. was happy to see me and chatting away. A now familiar place for her.  This is my favourite image from their follow-up photo shoot. What a cheeky girl!

Thank you J & J! I'm so glad you love your images. I will be looking forward to next time!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Shout out to Triathlon Pink!

Cancer touches all of us at some point in our lives. We either know someone who has had it or perhaps have battled the disease ourselves. There are so many fundraising activities and events that raise money for cures and one of them I have come across and been involved in is the Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink.

Around the middle of last year I was working one of my random shifts in the maternity ward when a colleague asked me if I was going to do the Pinkie Triathlon? A group of them had done it the previous year and it looked like a lot of fun....AND I could be part of a team! YAY!! :D I am not a swimmer ( I look like a...well I can't say. I just look embarrassing!)  and I don't have a bike (woot!)  so I decided that the 3km run was a good challenge! I got my team together within the hour and trained over the next few months. By September I was running 3km in 18minutes but on the day of the triathlon I amazed myself by shaving 4 minutes off my training time! It was so much fun and the buzz on the day was electric.

In the past two years Triathlon Pink has raised over $180,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. These fund go directly into funding research into finding a cure and the prevention of breast cancer and I am so proud to have been part of it. If you feel like you want to give it a go just do it!! It's so much fun and they have short courses and fun runs too. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Father's Day Tribute

Father's Day almost here and I would love to share this little tribute I put together. I have had the pleasure of photographing so many beautiful families over the years so here is a collection of some of the gorgeous babies I have met and their Daddies :)

The Journey Begins

I mentioned in an earlier post about my love of chocolate and the fact that I overindulged on Uncle Toby's wraps when I was house sharing during my uni days. I loved them!! I ate them every day and not just one. 

So I freaked out one day when I weighed myself and looked down and saw 69kg! I immediately started on a 'starvation diet' and got down to 55kg. I didn't see it at the time but I was verging on skeletal when my mum brought it to my attention that I looked anorexic. I think I scared myself and started eating again but there started a pattern of weight gain and loss and sporadic exercise regimes. 

I used to say that I would always know when I was putting on weight and that I would never let myself get fat. I just wouldn't.... so I was shocked last February when I discovered I was 73.5kg! It happens before you even realise. There were always excuses and bigger tops to buy. I was in such a negative mind space and had no balance in my life. It was just work, work, work and when I wasn't working I was looking after the kids. Exercise equipment became clothes horses and I just didn't have any motivation at that time. I often skipped meals because I was so busy and didn't make the time for ME.

Everything started to change when  some friends at work were getting involved with a walk for breast cancer and I decided to get involved. The walk was to be 20km and I started training for it. I walked every couple of days and eventually worked up to 10km when our team fell apart and it was deemed that if we wanted to do it we would enter as individuals I love being part of a team so I felt disheartened and decided not to do it. I did feel better for walking though and made a conscious effort from that day to change my lifestyle. To lose the weight I had gained and to lead a healthy life in mind, body and soul....... for ME.

I love reading the Body and Soul liftout in Sunday's paper. It is so full of interesting fact, tips and information. I have included a link to their website.... check it out :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Twinkling in my Heart....

"I love my father as the stars - he's a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart." ~Terri Guillemets

As Father's Day approaches I find myself thinking a lot about my beautiful Dad. When I was a child he always worked a lot but I have heaps of fond memories of fun we had and some funny things he used to do.
He would drive us all crazy whenever we had to be somewhere. Whether it was to go and visit friends or go out for dinner he was always running late. We would be all ready and waiting for him and he would race in, straight past us, and 10 minutes later come flying back past us and say, "Come on. Are you ready?" as if he was waiting for us! He always liked visiting friends and I loved going too. Mainly because I knew we would be going past the takeaway shop and he would pull in and ask, "Who wants an icecream?". I would almost will him to stop on the way past ;-)

Dad has always been really supportive of everything I have done even if he hasn't agreed. He is always there. When I was younger I was involved in Little Athletics and he would always come and watch me. Then when it was time to go home I would jump in the back of his little tip truck and stand up all the way home with the wind blowing in my hair. It's mind boggling really cos there's NO WAY I would let my kids do that LOL.

When I was let out of boarding school for weekend leave Dad would always make the 2 hour drive on Sunday night to take me back to school. Like me, he loves to sing out loud and we would belt it out to Mary Schneider and her yodelling!! Now THAT makes me laugh!!!

So Dad, thanks for being here in my life. For EVERYTHING you do for me. Even now at 73 yrs old you do the most amazing moving heavy furniture for example. Nothing is too much trouble. I love you very very much xxx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life is like a box of chocolates.....

Yep, I'm still thinking about chocolate. hehe no I've actually been thinking a lot about life.....and there's a LOT to think about!!

When I was young I had so many dreams and aspirations about what I wanted to do and how I wanted my life to be. We all do but as you get older your experiences change, not only who you are but, how you view the world. It is not always how you thought it would be. At forty I thought I was so knowledgeable about life and about myself. I was happy with where I was in life and who I was as a person. I thought I had it all figured out. I felt strong, centred and I loved being forty. I knew everything!! I knew why I had made the decisions I did and I could pinpoint how I had gotten to be where I was in life. However life can be a long hard road sometimes with many potholes along the way and I hit a pothole just last week. Well it was actually more like a crater. So.... nearly two years on I am still learning and will continue to learn for as long as I am breathing. I have been doing some soul searching, digging deep and trying to think positively. Today I came across this little gem which I wanted to share. Enjoy x

"This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop overanalysing. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Life is simple. Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people. We are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often. Getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunites only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating. Live your dream and share your passion. Life is short."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hi....My name is Willow and I'm a chocoholic

I have a confession to make......I am a chocoholic. There you go. It's out now. Ok, well my friends actually already knew and now so do you!

I have a reputation that precedes me. When the word Maltesers comes up it seems to usually have my name attached to it. I suppose it doesn't help that I have been known to announce on Facebook when there is a special on at Woolies :)

I blame my mother and grandmother for my addiction because they both love their chocolate. Lollies. Biscuits. Cake. Dessert. Sigh.... it's all their fault!! I can eat a whole family block of chocolate.... well there's no point keeping two rows for tomorrow is there? I can down a packet of M&Ms no worries and I'm not talking about the fun size! Oh and don't get me started on icecream! Mmmm cookies and cream, raw cookie dough.... Baskin Robbins!!!

Years ago, when I was at uni, one of the guys I lived with worked for Uncle Tobys and he would always bring home the 'rejects'. They had these awesome muesli bars called Wraps and they were covered in chocolate. I ate them all the time! I felt guilty but I couldn't stop. Luckily I only lived there for a year because I put on so much weight it was awful.

Anyway, I gotta go raid the cupboard. All this talk about chocolate is making me hungry ;-)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Very Special Day

I have some beautiful friends called Cynthia and Rex. I met Cynthia when I started working as a midwife at Selangor about 13 years ago. They are the Godparents to my children and they are very dear to me. On the 4th of July this year their son Nick married the gorgeous Holly and I was honoured to be asked to photograph their special day. What a priviledge!

Their chosen place was Flaxton Gardens on the Sunshine Coast and we couldn't have asked for better weather for the middle of winter! Clear skies and sunshine.... bliss! The views made for an amazing backdrop and everything went to plan.

The main two requests from Nick and Holly were to capture a photo of Holly with the dogs and Nick with the black Camaro he arrived in on the day. As you will see we did just that and these are the two things that will stay in my mind from their day hahaha. Trying to get three big dogs to pose for a photo, with all the bridal party looking as well, is no mean feat but it did come with some interesting poses as you will see! As for the car...... Nick says to me, "Can you please get a photo of the car leaving?" I told him of course I could...not realising he was going to do a burn out and cover me with dust and smoke but the look of pure joy of Nick's face is priceless!!

Holly and Nick I wish you many beautiful days together and a future full of love and happiness.

Thankyou for inviting me to be part of your gorgeous day.

Willow x

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Clown and The Actress

A mother's heart is a patchwork of love. ~Author Unknown

Among the many hats I wear I am a photographer, midwife, girlfriend, daughter, sister and loyal friend but my most treasured role in this life is the gift of being a mother to Angus (11) and Freya (nearly 7). It's not an easy role as most mums will agree, especially while running your own business, however it is a rewarding one. Life is hectic and a juggle but I wouldn't change a thing..... even when they drive me crazy! LOL.

Some of the things they come out with are hilarious and it is never a dull moment. One of my favourite conversations was in the car on the way to work one day. Being a midwife they have been exposed to all things childbirth and Freya said..."Mum does it hurt when you have a baby?" I told her yes it does but it is a good pain. Her brother then proceeded with an entire explanation about what happens including the doctor wearing gloves that go right up to his elbow! Freya then exclaimed that she didn't want to have a baby to which Angus replied, "It's ok. I'll be there." I said well actually she might not want you there you know and he said, "Yeah, she will. That's what big brothers are for. To look after you." I can hear you now....awwwww but I can also hear them in their rooms right now arguing about something so I'd say it's a fair bet he wont be there!

So here they are....

Angus: He is the clown. Always loves clowning around and playing practical jokes just like his mother. He's my smiley eyed boy. As a baby he was big, bald and gorgeous and is growing into such a handsome young man. Although he is often a handful he has a very sweet nature and is a proud member of our local scout den. Angus loves school and I am so proud of his efforts. He is also competitive... just like me :D

Freya: The Actress. She loves dancing around, dressing up and talks in the most expressive tones with wide blue eyes. As I write this she is prancing around in a belly dancing outfit she just found in the cupboard. The moves are hilarious! She's a cuddly squidgy bear. A few years ago she opened the front door, announced that she was going to Hollywood and left. On that note I am being called to watch her latest performance so

until next time.... Willow

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Rite of Passage

A couple of months ago I attended a fundraiser for Cambodia which was run by my beautiful friend and fellow midwife, Vicki. I donated a prize for the raffle and it was a great night which raised enough money to buy a tuk tuk ambulance, for a village in Cambodia, to transport birthing women to medical care and ultimately save lives!

At the end of the night I was approached by a woman who was looking for a photographer to photograph her 15 year old daughter. This is something she has done for her other two daughters on their 15th birthdays. I immediately couldn't wait! I just think that is one of the most beautiful and loving things to do for your daughter to celebrate her coming of age.

A couple of weeks later they came into the studio and I met Larni for the first time. Well!! What a delightful young lady she is. So polite and well mannered AND so looking forward to her photosession. We discussed clothes and styles, makeup and hair and set a date for the shoot. I couldn't wait for them to come and see the finished images so that I could share them with you!

Larni, thank you so much for an awesome photoshoot. You are a true credit to your parents and I wish you many blessings in your life ahead.

Please enjoy Larni's before and after slideshow....

I haven't always been a photographer

When I finished my four year sentence at boarding school I went on to uni to complete a Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing). I had always wanted to be a teacher but lets just say my active school social life lead me to my second choice! For three years I studied reasonably hard between partying and working. I was able to work as a Nursing Assistant through the agencies. I thought the pay was great but the work consisted of nursing homes that were understaffed so it wasn't always pleasant. After I graduated I moved to Cairns for three years and competed my Midwifery certificate..... woohoo no more washing old people lol. Having ALWAYS loved babies I found midwifery to be the best!

From there I spent 18mths travelling overseas on a 'working' holiday. I worked as a carer looking after a young lady with MS. When I say young she was only 24 years old. That experience made me appreciate my life so much and to this day I still think of my days looking after Sharon. My other job whilst overseas was as a Maternity Nurse. Wow this was an experience. Women employ you to come into their homes, after they have had their baby, usually for a period of up to 6 weeks. You basically just help out with caring for the baby whilst they recover from the birth. I LOVED it!!

After travelling extensively around Europe and USA I finally settled here on the Sunshine Coast. I really love it here! After working at the hospital here as a midwife I decided that shift work was doing my head in. I was constantly tired and feeling rundown and needed a change. By this time I had children so shiftwork and family life does not always go hand in hand. I hated working nightshift and REALLY hated having to work Christmas Day and missing out on time with my family.

I woke up one morning and I'd had a very vivid dream.... that I should become a photographer. Now it may seem strange but I literally acted on the dream and contacted the TAFE which happened to be closing applications in two weeks time. I had to submit a portfolio.....WHAT?? I'd always been interested in photography and had a pretty good camera at that time but I had nothing for a portfolio! So I grabbed some black and white film (yep I am really that old hehe) and borrowed a pregnant friend and a friend who had just had a baby and there was my portfolio. Fate stepped in and I was accepted into the course. To this day I can still see myself making the walk to the mailbox and receiving my acceptance letter....

and here I am: Concept Images...Photography by Willow

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost Famous

Last month I ventured to Sydney for the Australian Professional Photography Awards. This is my third year of entering the awards and I was thrilled to be awarded three silvers this year! At the awards dinner I was presented with a 'gong' for achieving my Associate membership to the Australian Institute of Professional Photography. The three silver awards now give me 3 points towards my Master. I need 10 points to achieve this. Perhaps next year I will get a couple of golds to boost me along!!

Last week the local newspaper ran an article on my achievements and it has been lovely to be recognised and congratulated around town.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Ellie's sister, Janis, organised a makeover portrait shoot for the two of them and it was Ellie's birthday on the day of the session! Jodie and I loved pampering these two beautiful women and they had such a great time. They are currently overseas visiting their elderly father and took with them a stunning portrait of the two of them to give to him. I would love to have seen his face! I hope you are having a fabulous time ladies. See you when you get back!!

A bit about me....

Oookay.... I thought I better tell you a little bit about myself! As you can see I am eternally 28 :)

Alright, I was a 60's baby (just!) but I have felt 28 since I was 28 and I don't think I will ever grow up! I am a big kid and will be the first one down the waterslide, love to prank people and generally clown around if given half a chance hehe. I was born and raised in country Victoria with my brother who is only 13mths older than me. I had a blessed childhood filled with the kind of fun and adventures that come from living in a small town. Memories of building cubby houses up in the trees on the hill above our home, riding bikes through the countryside, pony club and snow skiing to name a few. Above all it was the amazing freedom way back then that I remember most.

At the age of 13 I went to boarding school in Melbourne. Woohoo, what I describe as one of the best times of my life! My sentence was for 4 yrs and the time flew. I met some lovely friends of whom I still keep in contact with and the opportunites I had at school were amazing. I excelled in anything extracurricular but particularly sport....athletics and gymnastics were my forte. If you were down at Cotton Tree park last weekend you would have sprung me with my tunic tucked into my leggings doing handstands! hahaha told you :)

So I will leave you with that vision and hope it gives you a giggle. Until next time.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hello at Last!!

A BIG hello to you! Well, this is me! It's been a long time coming but here I am :) After two years my blog is finally off the ground and I am looking forward to letting you know all about the happenings at Concept Images. Things change quickly so follow me and I will keep you informed of our special offers, recent photo shoots and plenty of current information!

Our biggest news at the moment is that we have moved into Portrait Couture and we are having a ball!! Our new natural light studio space is awesome and we would LOVE you to come and experience your very own glamourous portrait session. Our makeup artist, Jodie, will pamper you with a full makeup session whilst you sip on champagne. THEN we can have some fun creating some gorgeous portraits that celebrate YOU! Doesn't that sound fantastic?? Celebrate with us by contacting us before 15th August to arrange your own portrait couture session for the special price of only $49.

I have so much more exciting news coming up so stay tuned! Willow :)