When I finished my four year sentence at boarding school I went on to uni to complete a Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing). I had always wanted to be a teacher but lets just say my active school social life lead me to my second choice! For three years I studied reasonably hard between partying and working. I was able to work as a Nursing Assistant through the agencies. I thought the pay was great but the work consisted of nursing homes that were understaffed so it wasn't always pleasant. After I graduated I moved to Cairns for three years and competed my Midwifery certificate..... woohoo no more washing old people lol. Having ALWAYS loved babies I found midwifery to be the best!
From there I spent 18mths travelling overseas on a 'working' holiday. I worked as a carer looking after a young lady with MS. When I say young she was only 24 years old. That experience made me appreciate my life so much and to this day I still think of my days looking after Sharon. My other job whilst overseas was as a Maternity Nurse. Wow this was an experience. Women employ you to come into their homes, after they have had their baby, usually for a period of up to 6 weeks. You basically just help out with caring for the baby whilst they recover from the birth. I LOVED it!!
After travelling extensively around Europe and USA I finally settled here on the Sunshine Coast. I really love it here! After working at the hospital here as a midwife I decided that shift work was doing my head in. I was constantly tired and feeling rundown and needed a change. By this time I had children so shiftwork and family life does not always go hand in hand. I hated working nightshift and REALLY hated having to work Christmas Day and missing out on time with my family.
I woke up one morning and I'd had a very vivid dream.... that I should become a photographer. Now it may seem strange but I literally acted on the dream and contacted the TAFE which happened to be closing applications in two weeks time. I had to submit a portfolio.....WHAT?? I'd always been interested in photography and had a pretty good camera at that time but I had nothing for a portfolio! So I grabbed some black and white film (yep I am really that old hehe) and borrowed a pregnant friend and a friend who had just had a baby and there was my portfolio. Fate stepped in and I was accepted into the course. To this day I can still see myself making the walk to the mailbox and receiving my acceptance letter....
and here I am: Concept Images...Photography by Willow

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