Sunday, October 30, 2011


So, I mentioned in an earlier post that last year I started to make some personal changes by way of increasing my exercise to lose weight and ultimately to feel better about myself.  After reaching 73.5kg it was time to make a conscious decision to lead a healthier life and to be the best ME that I could be. 

I lost the first 6kgs purely by increasing my daily exercise. Just by being more active on a weekly basis really made a huge difference. Six months later and starting to have more energy I decided to make a conscious effort to eat more healthily. Combining that with the increased exercise helped me shed a further 6.5kg. It feels awesome to be in control of my health decisions and to see results. I'm really getting into this healthy living arrangement but I'm not done yet.....!! 

My friend Kelly sent me a link to a blog. It's the most amazing body transformation I have ever seen. Angela had completed four rounds of Michelle Bridge's body transformation and her transformation is nothing short of Amaaaazing. I want her toned body!! Having always had issues with my stomach area, which is where I gain weight, I knew this was something I wanted to do. The challenge itself motivates me! I made my mind up straight away and I'm not looking back :)  I am not doing this just to lose weight. I am doing it to tone up and to live more healthily. To be in the right mindset to make this a part of my everyday life. To keep myself focused and on track. I am now accountable.

I thought it would be fun to compile some images taken over the past few years and look forward to the second installment comprising of the NEW me.  I hope it makes you smile :)

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