Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hi....My name is Willow and I'm a chocoholic

I have a confession to make......I am a chocoholic. There you go. It's out now. Ok, well my friends actually already knew and now so do you!

I have a reputation that precedes me. When the word Maltesers comes up it seems to usually have my name attached to it. I suppose it doesn't help that I have been known to announce on Facebook when there is a special on at Woolies :)

I blame my mother and grandmother for my addiction because they both love their chocolate. Lollies. Biscuits. Cake. Dessert. Sigh.... it's all their fault!! I can eat a whole family block of chocolate.... well there's no point keeping two rows for tomorrow is there? I can down a packet of M&Ms no worries and I'm not talking about the fun size! Oh and don't get me started on icecream! Mmmm cookies and cream, raw cookie dough.... Baskin Robbins!!!

Years ago, when I was at uni, one of the guys I lived with worked for Uncle Tobys and he would always bring home the 'rejects'. They had these awesome muesli bars called Wraps and they were covered in chocolate. I ate them all the time! I felt guilty but I couldn't stop. Luckily I only lived there for a year because I put on so much weight it was awful.

Anyway, I gotta go raid the cupboard. All this talk about chocolate is making me hungry ;-)

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