Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Journey Begins

I mentioned in an earlier post about my love of chocolate and the fact that I overindulged on Uncle Toby's wraps when I was house sharing during my uni days. I loved them!! I ate them every day and not just one. 

So I freaked out one day when I weighed myself and looked down and saw 69kg! I immediately started on a 'starvation diet' and got down to 55kg. I didn't see it at the time but I was verging on skeletal when my mum brought it to my attention that I looked anorexic. I think I scared myself and started eating again but there started a pattern of weight gain and loss and sporadic exercise regimes. 

I used to say that I would always know when I was putting on weight and that I would never let myself get fat. I just wouldn't.... so I was shocked last February when I discovered I was 73.5kg! It happens before you even realise. There were always excuses and bigger tops to buy. I was in such a negative mind space and had no balance in my life. It was just work, work, work and when I wasn't working I was looking after the kids. Exercise equipment became clothes horses and I just didn't have any motivation at that time. I often skipped meals because I was so busy and didn't make the time for ME.

Everything started to change when  some friends at work were getting involved with a walk for breast cancer and I decided to get involved. The walk was to be 20km and I started training for it. I walked every couple of days and eventually worked up to 10km when our team fell apart and it was deemed that if we wanted to do it we would enter as individuals I love being part of a team so I felt disheartened and decided not to do it. I did feel better for walking though and made a conscious effort from that day to change my lifestyle. To lose the weight I had gained and to lead a healthy life in mind, body and soul....... for ME.

I love reading the Body and Soul liftout in Sunday's paper. It is so full of interesting fact, tips and information. I have included a link to their website.... check it out :)

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