Friday, November 11, 2011

A Very Rewarding Day

For the past three years I have been involved with a project called Breaking Out. This is an Australia wide project photographing Year 12 students for a Class of Yearbook. The participation fee from each student is donated directly to the foundation which raises funds for disadvantaged kids. 

This morning I was honoured to be part of the unveiling of the foundation's first project. A year 12 student, Nathan Dionysius, from Faith Lutheran College in Plainland is a passionate and very talented golf player. Early this year his family home was literally destroyed by the "inland tsunami" that hit Grantham. Apparently Nathan was home when the wave of water hit, as he fled his thoughts were "what do I save?". Realising the one thing that would be most important to his mum, he grabbed his mums wedding photos and ran.

Nathan is a young man of few words and  prior to the flood his passion for golf was leading him to a career as a professional golfer.  Understandably this year has been a struggle with both his studies and golf.

This morning myself, Kathy Hill (my fellow photographer) and Tero Sade, the CEO of Breaking Out were able to give his future a kick along. So that he can complete year 12, our foundation is providing Nathan with a full scholarship to cover school fees and uniforms in 2012. 

In addition, so that he can refocus on his golf, Nathan will receive 12 months golf coaching along with setting up a fund to assist Nathan attend tournaments outside his area.

The Breaking Out Foundation was established to identify young people (14-19) who are passionate/gifted/talented in the areas of the arts/science/sport (or other areas) that due to circumstances beyond their control will have difficulty realizing their potential and dreams.

The view of Breaking Out is that the Foundation Limited has not been created to give hand outs, but to give a hand up by creating programs and opportunities to assist individuals achieve their potential and dreams that may otherwise be inhibited to do so due to disability, financial hardship or other special circumstances.

Breaking Out is about introducing a positive influence and helping young people achieve their potential so that in turn they can make a positive contribution to the community.

I am looking forward to being part of many more wonderful experiences like today!!

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