Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gearing up!

Well I have completed my fitness test which entails a timed 1km run (less than 5mins is advanced),  how many pushups in a minute, a measured stretch, situp progress and a timed wall sit! I completed the run in 
4.14 seconds, completed 40 pushups on toes, reached level 3 in situps and managed 2min 9secs sitting against the wall! I am in the advanced group and have chosen to  do Advanced Lean and Fit and I now have some insight into what my training regime is going to look like. This is a program for advanced members who have less than 5kg to lose and who want to focus on shaping and toning their body rather than fitness and fat loss. It's predominantly a strength training program using weights and body weight exercises to improve strength, definition and shape. So for this program I will be doing 4 days of Strength and Tone, 1 day of Fitness and Fat Burning and 1 day of Core and Stretch. Woohoo I am so excited!!! I can't wait to see the changes in myself...both mind and body... and to prove to myself that I CAN do it :)

Our task was to go and source our place of training. I was hoping that I would be able to do this from home but it wont be possible for me. There is a gym where I live but it is not very heavily equipped and I am not able to use it until 7am in the morning which is too late.  I went to three different gyms near where I work and have settled on Nambour Gym and Fitness Studio. The lady there was so lovely and the gym is very well equipped. There is no joining fee and it is only $12.95 per week and that includes any classes such as boxercise, pilates and zumba. BARGAIN!! Once I know what order of workout I have to do I will start blocking out the times in my diary. Bring it on!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Very Rewarding Day

For the past three years I have been involved with a project called Breaking Out. This is an Australia wide project photographing Year 12 students for a Class of Yearbook. The participation fee from each student is donated directly to the foundation which raises funds for disadvantaged kids. 

This morning I was honoured to be part of the unveiling of the foundation's first project. A year 12 student, Nathan Dionysius, from Faith Lutheran College in Plainland is a passionate and very talented golf player. Early this year his family home was literally destroyed by the "inland tsunami" that hit Grantham. Apparently Nathan was home when the wave of water hit, as he fled his thoughts were "what do I save?". Realising the one thing that would be most important to his mum, he grabbed his mums wedding photos and ran.

Nathan is a young man of few words and  prior to the flood his passion for golf was leading him to a career as a professional golfer.  Understandably this year has been a struggle with both his studies and golf.

This morning myself, Kathy Hill (my fellow photographer) and Tero Sade, the CEO of Breaking Out were able to give his future a kick along. So that he can complete year 12, our foundation is providing Nathan with a full scholarship to cover school fees and uniforms in 2012. 

In addition, so that he can refocus on his golf, Nathan will receive 12 months golf coaching along with setting up a fund to assist Nathan attend tournaments outside his area.

The Breaking Out Foundation was established to identify young people (14-19) who are passionate/gifted/talented in the areas of the arts/science/sport (or other areas) that due to circumstances beyond their control will have difficulty realizing their potential and dreams.

The view of Breaking Out is that the Foundation Limited has not been created to give hand outs, but to give a hand up by creating programs and opportunities to assist individuals achieve their potential and dreams that may otherwise be inhibited to do so due to disability, financial hardship or other special circumstances.

Breaking Out is about introducing a positive influence and helping young people achieve their potential so that in turn they can make a positive contribution to the community.

I am looking forward to being part of many more wonderful experiences like today!!

The Goalposts are Set!

Yippee!! I've done task 3.... all ready for task 4! So,
it's all about goal setting. It's been a little bit tricky because 
my goals are no longer weight orientated as I have already lost 14kgs
and my main aim now is to tone. I am not wanting to turn into a body
builder or anything but I just want to lose the last couple of kgs
around my middle (the hardest part to shift) and to tone. A lot of
people are wondering why I am doing this. It is purely to challenge
myself. I am super motivated at the moment and it's just something
I WANT to do. I just wish I was this motivated 10 or 15 years ago LOL
So, here they are. I will be revisiting them over the 12 weeks 
and particularly once I have done my fitness test and get the
program that I will be doing. 
1 Month Goals
1. Lose the last 2kg from around my middle
2. Improve my nutrition intake

How I Will Get There
1. Lose 500g per week.
2. Follow the 12WBT Advance Lean and Strong program
3. Follow the 12WBT nutrition program

3 Month Goal
To have improved my strength, definition and
shape (especially around the abdomen.)

How I Will Get There
1. Follow the 12WBT Advance Lean and Strong program
2. Follow the 12WBT nutrition plan.

6 Month Goal
To compete in the 2012 Mooloolaba Triathlon and
beat this years run time of 10km in 59mins.
I would like to complete it in at least 55mins.

How I Will Get There
By 6weeks be able to run 2.5km in 14mins. By 3mths be able to 
run 5km in 27mins. By 6mths run 10 km in 55mins or less!

12 Month Goal
To compete in and finish the Pomona King of the Mountain...a
gruelling 4.5km mountain race!! 

How I Will Get There
Commence training on the baby mountain.....Mt Coolum until 
after Christmas and then progress to Cooroora
Mountain, Pomona at least fortnightly. (weekly if time permits)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekly Tasks

As part of the 12week challenge we have had to do some preseason tasks which has been great! It's a wonderful way of getting  in the right mindset and helping me to explore some deep issues that are perhaps holding me back.

I have had to  take responsibility for myself, my body and how I think. So, I had to make a list of all my internal and external excuses that I use  to self sabotage any efforts to be motivated and to exercise daily. To help clear these excuses away I need to come up with solutions to tell myself instead when I turn to these negative excuses.  It was great to reflect on this.... I didn't realise I was so full of excuses!!
So here they are:
  1. I'm too tired
SOLUTION:  Exercise will actually make you feel more energized and you will sleep better!
  1. 2.I exercised yesterday
SOLUTION:  Exercise is part of your daily routine. Just like brushing your teeth!
  1. 3. I've done really well so wont hurt to miss today
SOLUTION: Exercise is part of your DAILY routine. Just like brushing your teeth!  If you allow yourself to miss today you will probably miss tomorrow too.
  1. 4. I've lost some weight this week. I can slacken up a little.
SOLUTION:  You need to keep the momentum going AND you have to burn calories every day!
  1. 5. I just wont eat so much today.
SOLUTION: Are you kidding me??? So you want to abuse your body and then let your metabolism slow DOWN so you end up putting ON weight do you? Get a grip woman!!!
  1. 6. It's that time of the month 
SOLUTION: So….. you are just not gonna do anything for the next 4days?? You’re not dying!!
  1. 7. I've been unwell and need more time to recover.
SOLUTION: There is no reason why you can’t just start slowly and see how you go. The longer you stay away from your routine the harder it will be to get back into it! 
EXTERNAL EXCUSES (in my control)
  1. It's cold 
SOLUTION: It’s not as cold inside and if you get your act together instead of wingeing then you will be warm in no time!
  1. 2. It's raining. 
SOLUTION: You have a treadmill. You know….. that thing that resembles a clotheshorse at the moment!
  1. 3. I can't afford it.
SOLUTION:  A. It doesn’t cost anything to walk/run.  B. Work harder and save some money!
  1. 4. I've got to look after the kids.
SOLUTION:  A. Use your treadmill!  B. Take the kids to the park and you can run around while they play or better still….run around WITH them!
  1. 5. I don't have time.
SOLUTION: Get up earlier ya lazy cow!
  1. 6. It's so warm and cosy in my bed.
SOLUTION: You can’t stay there all day so you may as well get up NOW!

EXTERNAL EXCUSES (out of my control)
  1. Sick kids
SOLUTION: You have a treadmill so you can workout and still keep an eye on them.
  1. 2. I've got no childcare
SOLUTION:  YOU HAVE A TREADMILL. OR…… take the kids with you and do something outdoors!

Phew!! Told you!